Author's Diction~Dr. Vipin Behari Goyal: Does Utilitarianism Concedes Terrorism

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Does Utilitarianism Concedes Terrorism

"World is Conical" (Part ii)

Terrorism,Paris Attack, violence,war

The whole community could be wrong in perceiving a fact. Majority cannot be the criterion for determination of Truth. Many of the notions with the advancement of civilization have changed drastically and taboos turn into fad and superstitions are proved scientifically.

What is condemned today is revered tomorrow. What is mutiny for one country is revolution for another country. Why someone had to say Everything is fair in Love and War. And War there is, since Love is also having all the ingredients of war. The purpose is to gain a victory which is a stepping stone for Happiness.

According to John Stuart Mill  happiness is the sole basis of morality, and that people never desire anything but happiness. The people's achievement of goals and ends, such as virtuous living, should be counted as part of their happiness. The determination of Goal is a prerogative of all individuals, communities, cultures, ethnic groups and organizations. The rights of unorganized sectors are usually ignored by capitalists who configures Spherical Excess of this Spherical Triangle called World.

The unorganized sector has a hidden agenda. It needs to be discussed with an open mind and resolved with compassion. Instead of that the Capitalist Cruel Cons (CCC) draw sadistic pleasure in not only making Poor Poorer but also in making them crawl for meager means of survival.

Moreover, they feel offended if oppressed try to unite or try to draw the attention of the World towards their problem. The problems all over the World have become complicated by external intervention. The intervention is not with the pious objective of resolving a problem, but with some ulterior motive of taking advantage of some God gift like Oil or Diamonds or for selling weapons which also indirectly helps in occupying natural resources.

This greed is the sole cause of violence the humanity is facing today.

Fire and Ice
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
Remember what Robert Frost said in his Poem "Fire and Ice"

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

Sun Tzu in his book 'Art of War' says

"Emerge from the void, strike at vulnerable points, shun places that are defended, attack in unexpected quarters"

"Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected."

Even if despite Police protection, several threatening and  warnings the attackers succeed, despite a Police cordon one can escape it raises doubt about who is more organized and intelligent. If we have a history of appeasement the morale of law enforcement agency is already jeopardized.

Every one has a right to be more sensitive than others on certain issues. When advantage of this weakness is taken by one agency to earn popularity and money, it opens the door for another party to exploit your vulnerability. How the pain of one could be different from the pain of another when all shoes are pinching.

Mill in Utilitarianism says "The sentiments of justice, in that one of its elements which consists of the desire to punish, is thus, I conceive, the natural feeling of retaliation or vengeance, rendered by intellect and sympathy applicable to those injuries, that is, to those hurts, which wound us through, or in common with, society at large."

He concludes "Things appear either just or unjust, according to the light in which they are regarded."
What if we retrospect with an open mind and identify the acts that are responsible for our present situation, we may acknowledge the choices and free will Sartre talks about were not only applicable to individuals but nations also.

© Vipin Behari Goyal

Excerpts from his unpublished book "World is Conical"

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